

  • 大小:132mb
  • 归类:游戏问答
  • 版本:V3.07.18
  • 人气:3
  • 更新时间:2024-09-28 07:09:32



As a 10-year-old in Tree Elementary School, I found myself in a rather peculiar situation. During an English lesson, our classmate and the English class representative, let's call him Jack, was caught copying a video for a class assignment. As punishment, our teacher asked me to hold Jack down on the table while he copy the video notes on his own. This incident brought up several questions in my young mind: what will happen when we put a child in a position of authority? What if we had to take action against that child?

Forcing someone to copy a video

When our teacher asked me to hold Jack down while he copied the video notes, I felt conflicted. On the one hand, I was doing what was asked of me. On the other hand, I didn't feel comfortable taking control over my classmate. The situation made me realise that when one is given a position of authority, they are responsible for taking the right decisions and sometimes they may have to resort to force to ensure compliance. But using force can be uncomfortable and may cause conflicts.

Copying the notes on a table


As Jack copied the video notes on the table, I couldn't help but wonder if he was learning anything in this exercise. Was he really learning from his mistakes or merely memorizing the text? This made me realise that sometimes, learning happens through experience, and not just through rote memorisation. Copying notes on a table did not seem like an effective way to teach Jack the value of honesty.

Putting Kun in a cabinet

One day, while helping my dad rearrange the house, I saw him put a small statue of Kun in a cabinet. When I questioned him about it, he told me that he was placing him in an OUPAI cabinet to keep him safe. This made me wonder what would happen if Kun was left in the cabinet for an extended period. Would he lose his value? Would he lose his meaning?

Age differences and marital relationships

Later in the day, my mother asked me if I knew what the term "age gap" meant. She explained that it referred to the age difference between two married partners. She then asked me if I knew what my dad's age was. When I told her that he was twice as old as my mother, she told me that the term used for a woman married to a man twice her age is "twice-born." This made me realise that age differences can impact marital relationships and create societal expectations that can be challenging to navigate.


In conclusion, my experiences with the English class representative Jack, my father's statue of Kun, and my mother's explanation of "twice-born" opened my young mind to concepts such as authority, learning, marriage, and societal norms. I learned that the decisions we make in positions of authority can create complex ethical dilemmas. Copying notes on a table may not always be the most effective way to teach, and the age difference between partners can impact how others perceive one's marriage. These concepts have stayed with me throughout my life, and I'm thankful for the experience that taught me this valuable lesson.


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