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  • 版本:V3.02.38
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  • 更新时间:2024-09-24 02:09:06


Publicskating rink, 8pm

It was a chilly winter evening, and I had just arrived at the local skating rink for a typical Friday night with my friends. To my surprise, I saw a girl sitting alone on the bench next to the entrance, with her face buried in her hands, and tears streaming down her face. People were giving her confused glances, but no one dared to approach her. As a class monitor, I couldn't just stand there and do nothing.

The encounter with Publicskating rink, 8pm


As I approached her, she noticed me and quickly wiped away her tears. I introduced myself, and she told me her name was "Publicskating rink." I asked her what was wrong, and she told me that she had been struggling with some personal issues, and that coming to the skating rink was her way of escaping from it all. She said she felt alone and lost, and that no one cared about her.

The importance of empathy

I felt a pang of empathy and sadness for her. I knew what it was like to feel alone and lost, and I didn't want her to feel that way. I listened as she poured her heart out to me, and I assured her that she was not alone. I reminded her that everyone has their own struggles, and that it's okay to feel vulnerable sometimes. I told her that I was there for her, as were her other classmates who cared about her.

The power of a simple act of kindness

After talking with her for a while, I noticed that her spirits had lifted. She thanked me for taking the time to listen to her, and I invited her to join me and my friends for a night of skating. As we made our way to the rink, I could see the happiness in her face and the glow in her eyes. It was amazing how a simple act of kindness and empathy could change someone's day, and possibly their entire outlook on life.

The aftermath

Publicskating rink remained my close friend throughout high school and beyond. She confided in me and sought my advice on various issues. I felt proud to have made a difference in her life, and our friendship has remained strong to this day. It's a testament to the power of empathy, and how a small act of kindness can go a long way.

The lesson learnt

My encounter with Publicskating rink taught me an invaluable lesson: that everyone has their own struggles and that it's important to offer a listening ear and a helping hand. It reminded me that sometimes, a simple act of kindness can make a world of difference to someone who is struggling. Being a class monitor meant more than just doling out assignments and maintaining order in the classroom, it also meant being available for my classmates when they needed someone to talk to.

In conclusion

Through this experience, I learnt that empathy is one of the most important qualities one can possess. It's easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget about the people around us, but taking the time to listen to someone who is hurting can change their entire perspective. It's a small act of kindness that can go a long way.


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