

  • 大小:125mb
  • 归类:游戏问答
  • 版本:V3.05.30
  • 人气:3
  • 更新时间:2024-09-02 05:09:25


My Mischievous Adventure as a 10-Year-Old Tree Primary School Student

One day in my English class, I found myself sitting next to the class representative, who was always boastful about his academic achievements. I didn't quite like him, especially since he never missed a chance to show off his skills, so I decided to teach him a lesson.

The Video Copying Scheme


As the teacher instructed us to watch a video and take notes, I nudged the class representative and asked him to lend me his notebook. When he handed it over, I snatched it from his hand and started copying the video subtitles into his notebook, making sure to mess up some of the words.

From Desk to Floor

After the video had ended, the teacher asked us to hand over our notebooks for a review. As the teacher approached our desk, I quickly put the class representative's notebook under his arm. When the teacher saw the sloppy writing in the notebook, he scolded the class representative in front of everyone. I felt thrilled by my prank.

The Cupboard Conundrum

After class, while the teacher was out for a break, I sneaked into the classroom again to continue my mischiefs. I found a spare key to the teacher's cupboard, and I decided to put my classmate's textbook inside. When the teacher came back, she scolded the class representative again for misplacing his books. I chuckled inside but soon felt guilty.

Dad vs Husband and Wife

While walking home, I came across a math problem that I couldn't solve. Frustrated and tired, I asked my dad for help when he reached home. It suddenly dawned on me that dad was twice as old as my mom, who was just a few years younger than my classmate's mom. I asked dad if there was a special name for his relationship with my mom, and he said, "Yes, it's called 'husband and wife.'"

Reflections on My Troublesome Antics

While I was happy and excited about my pranks earlier that day, realizing my dad's relationship with my mom put things into perspective. I felt humbled and ashamed of my actions. I realized that my mischiefs may bring temporary pleasure, but they also come with unwanted consequences and hurt others. I resolved to be a better student and a better person and to think about the consequences of my actions before acting impulsively.

In conclusion, my mischievous adventure that day taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of morality and kindness. It made me realize that every action we take has a consequence, and it's up to us to make the right choices. I still have many lessons to learn, but I know that with my dad's guidance and support, I can face any adversity and be a better person each day.


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