

  • 大小:133mb
  • 归类:下载中心
  • 版本:V3.04.43
  • 人气:3
  • 更新时间:2024-09-05 04:09:33



Fulao2 is a popular short-video app that has gained a massive following in China. It allows users to create and share short videos with various effects, filters, and music. The app has two versions, the official iOS lightweight version and the free pink version. In this article, we will discuss the features of both the versions and provide you with the download links for the official iOS and Android versions.

Fulao2 official iOS lightweight version

The official iOS lightweight version of Fulao2 is designed to take up less space on your phone while still providing you with the best experience. This version has all the features of the full app, but with a smaller size. It allows you to create short videos with various effects, filters, and music. You can also share your videos on social media platforms, such as WeChat and Weibo.

The lightweight version is perfect for users who have limited storage on their phones or those who prefer a faster app. It is easy to download and install from the App Store, and it is completely free.

Fulao2 free pink version


The free pink version of Fulao2 is perfect for users who love a little extra touch of girlyness. This version has a pink theme and comes with various pink filters and effects that you can use to create your videos. It is free to download and use, and it has all the features of the official app.

This version also allows you to share your videos on social media platforms, such as WeChat and Weibo. It is perfect for users who want to add a touch of personality to their videos and make them stand out from the crowd.

Fulao2 official iOS download link

The official iOS version of Fulao2 is free to download and use. You can download it from the App Store by searching for "Fulao2". Once you find the app, click on "Install" and wait for it to download and install on your device. The app is compatible with iOS devices running iOS 12.0 or later.

Fulao2 official Android download link

The official Android version of Fulao2 is also free to download and use. You can download it from the official website at fulao2.com or from third-party app stores. We recommend that you download it from the official website to ensure that you get the latest version of the app. Once you download the APK file, click on it and follow the instructions to install the app on your device.


Fulao2 is a fantastic short-video app that allows you to create and share your videos with various effects, filters, and music. The official iOS version is lightweight and fast, while the free pink version adds a touch of personality to your videos. Both the versions are free to download and use, and they allow you to share your videos on social media platforms. We recommend that you try out both the versions and choose the one that suits your needs the best.


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